Support Your Mosque – Donate Today

Your contributions help us maintain and enhance our mosque as a place of worship, learning, and community. Your donations support:

“Those who spend their wealth [in Allah’s way] by night and by day, secretly and publicly—they will have their reward with their Lord.” (Qur’an 2:274)

Wonder where does the funds go?

Maintenance & Upkeep

Ensuring a clean and welcoming space for all.



 Supporting educational and spiritual activities.


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Expanding facilities to better serve our growing community.

Support ISCQ Rockhampton

Every donation makes a difference!

Imam Salary Account:

ISCQ Imam Salary
BSB: 084-905
Account Number: 736894844

General Donation for Mosque Operation

ISCQ Main Account incl EFTPOS
BSB: 084-905 
Acc: 558288525

Membership Fee Payment

Account name: ISCQ Main Account incl EFTPOS
BSB: 084905
Account number: 558288525

Reference: Your membership no (if known) or first name Reg year

Cash: Donation boxes at the mosque.

Thank you and Jazakum Allahu Khair for your ongoing support.